Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Final Presentation!

As the #psuaged16 student teaching cohort prepared throughout the semester we all knew it would come down to final presentation. Students pursuing a degree in Agricultural and Extension Education at Penn State finally get to present on how we are ready for student teaching and how we got there. With the support of passionate faculty, a strong bond with my cohort members, and my fantastic family I successfully presented during finals week on how I'm ready to student teach at Wellsboro in January!

If you want to spend some time seeing what I am all about (and maybe what it's like to be a student pursuing Agricultural Education!), check out the recorded presentation I presented.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Final Lab Reflection

It feels like I just set this blog up and had my first lab experience only a few weeks ago. It's amazing to think that student teaching is closer than that first lab already. A lot has been running through my mind as we wrapped up the AEE 412 course this week.

Mostly, I've been thinking about my progression throughout the semester. With all the labs, micro teaching, and then the Life Knowledge lesson I have really racked up some experience in the classroom. I'm more excited to switch from student to teacher now than I ever have ben. I realize that it can be a "culture shock" to switch sides of the desk, but I feel prepared to do so.

I think through my AEE 412 experiences I've developed my enthusiasm (although still not my best characteristic), but I think I'm pretty good at variability. Basically, Rosenshine and Furst identified these 5 characteristics of effective teaching that are business-like, enthusiasm, clarity, opportunity to learn, and variability. I think that my variability isn't my most-improved, but I think it's my strongest. In my lessons I strive for variability because I feel that if I don't have variability I'm not excited about the lesson and the students certainly aren't either.

The video below is about 5 minutes mashed together of various experiences I've had with teaching. I wanted to share it on the blog just to see how I've developed throughout the semester. Not all of the scenes show variability, but they are definitely highlights from the semester. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!