- I'm Seventeen | Kate Simonds | TEDxBoise. (2015, February 9). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OkOQhXhsIE
- TEDxDesMoines - Angela Maiers - You Matter. (2011, August 5). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FHdHUzRnms
- Dr. Tae - Building A New Culture Of Teaching And Learning. (2011, April 23). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta5rDVbTP1o
- Jan, K. (2011, October 24). Pursue Passion: Demand Google 20% Time at School. Retrieved September 26, 2015, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katherine-von-jan/unstructured-classroom_b_1024404.html
These videos will spark some great thoughts in your mind, I promise it is worth the time!
Our weekly assignment has really gotten me thinking so much that I can't keep track of all of it. My main thoughts have centered around Katie Simonds: I'm Seventeen which is the first video in the bulleted list. There is just something about a confident, intelligent, seventeen-year-old demanding respect. She states that someone's idea or intelligence should not be dismissed just because of age. All people have valid thoughts that can add to a conversation, event, or organization. Angela Maiers also hits this home with You Matter because all students, all teachers, all people matter. When we tell or show people that they matter, they are encouraged to do great things.
Similarly, the Huffington Post article above talked about how Google set 20% of employees time (one work day) to pursue their own passions. They had phenomenal results with 50% of Google products by 2009 had been created during this time. Let me repeat that: 20% of time that resulted in 50% of Google products (which includes Gmail!). This is powerful! I see this as living proof that pursuing a passion results in productivity. The more you enjoy something, the more hard work is put in.
It is evident that whether you are a preservice teacher or a teacher with 25 years experience, we can all provide valuable ideas and techniques to benefit all! TeachAg! Genius hour has some time before it is presented again, but it is a great opportunity to hear innovative ideas. Although new to the profession, the PSU 2016 Student Teachers have a lot to offer to Agricultural Education and I encourage you to participate in our journey. Along the way we will learn vast amounts from the current agricultural educators, but we may also be capable of teaching people a thing or two!
I have a Twitter Chat coming up in the next few months (Date TBD) along with the TeachAg! Genius Hour. To those going my Agricultural Education Journey, I'm curious to what ideas you are most passionate about sharing! I'm thinking of conducting a Twitter Chat on The Role of Technology in the Classroom with questions regarding social media, internet, and other technology used in classrooms. Although not limited to Agricultural Education, What ideas or suggestions do you have regarding a Twitter Chat on classroom technology?
I appreciate any and all feedback!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to share? How can you connect to your background or another aspect of your life...leverage it with technology and then exponentially increase it by sharing with others?
With technology...I think we need to be cautious of using new technology to do things the old way...I think we are limiting ourselves. Instead, we should be asking what have we not been doing that we can now with new technology?
Here are some folks to check out on Twitter and maybe even reach out to and ask questions:
Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler)
And these websites will tell you more: